Infrared Sauna Maintenance

When it comes to maintaining a state of relaxation and health at home, an infrared sauna is a considerable investment. These health havens offer a space to unwind and experience the multiple benefits of infrared therapy, from soothing sore muscles to enhancing overall wellness. Integral to ensuring that your infrared sauna continues to provide these benefits, is understanding and conducting proper maintenance. Regular upkeep not only prolongs the life of your investment but ensures that each use is safe, hygienic, and as rejuvenating as the last.

Maintaining an infrared sauna is not particularly laborious, but it requires consistency and attention to detail. By following a set of simple guidelines, owners can ensure that their personal oasis remains in peak condition. The care involved encompasses cleaning protocols, material treatment, and operational checks that guarantee the longevity and effectiveness of the sauna experience.

Regular Cleaning and Sanitization

The key to preserving the pristine condition of your infrared sauna lies in regular cleaning and sanitization. After every use, it is imperative to wipe down the surfaces to remove any sweat or oils that may have been left behind. This not only keeps the area visually appealing but prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Daily Wiping
Post-session, a soft towel or microfiber cloth should be used to wipe down the benches, backrests, and any other surfaces your skin may have come in contact with. This simple daily habit can significantly reduce the build-up of contaminants.

Weekly Deeper Cleaning
In addition to daily wiping, a more thorough cleaning should be performed weekly. For this, use a natural cleaner, as harsh chemicals can off-gas at high temperatures and potentially damage the wood and heaters. Look for solutions designed specifically for saunas or those that are eco-friendly and non-toxic. Use a damp cloth soaked in your cleaning solution to gently clean all surfaces.

Managing Humidity
Although infrared saunas do not typically generate as much humidity as traditional steam saunas, it is still essential to manage any moisture that may accumulate. Ensure the sauna is completely dry after each cleaning session and leave the door open for a while to air out any residual dampness.

Click here to view our full product range or contact our team directly if you have any questions.

Handling Wood Maintenance

Infrared saunas are usually constructed with wood that not only provides structural integrity but also contributes to the aesthetic and sensory experience. Preserving the wood’s quality is vital in maintaining your sauna.

Regular Inspection
Check frequently for any signs of wear or damage, such as warping, cracking, or discoloration, which could indicate an issue with the wood. Early detection and treatment of these problems can prevent further damage.

Wood Treatment
While most woods used in infrared saunas are chosen for their durability and resistance to heat, they may still benefit from occasional treatment. Use natural oils or sauna-specific wood treatments to protect and nourish the wood. However, be careful not to use oil too frequently, as it can create a build-up that encourages bacterial growth.

Avoiding Stains and Scratches
To keep the wood looking its best, make sure to use towels to sit on and protect the benches. This not only improves hygiene but also prevents staining and scratches on the wood. Shoes should be kept out of the sauna to avoid tracking in dirt that can scratch the wood floor.

Ensuring Proper Functionality

An integral part of sauna maintenance is ensuring that all hardware and electrical components are functioning correctly. This not only improves your sauna experience but also enhances safety measures.

Checking the Heaters
Infrared sauna heaters should be visually checked for any unusual discolouration or damage. If there are signs of malfunction, contact the manufacturer or a professional service technician for advice or repair.

Electrical Systems
Periodically inspect all electrical connections, cords, and control panels. Look for any loose connections or signs of wear, and always keep electrical components dry. For any significant electrical concerns, consult a qualified electrician or sauna technician.

Proper ventilation is crucial for the safety and effectiveness of your sauna. Check the air outlets and inlets regularly to ensure they are clear and unobstructed, allowing for correct airflow and preventing overheating of electronic components.


Prolonging Your Sauna’s Lifespan
By following the guidance outlined above, owners of infrared saunas can rest assured that their private wellness retreat remains a safe and inviting space. Not only does regular maintenance ensure the longevity of the sauna, but it also guarantees that the health and relaxation benefits continue unabated. Keeping a consistent schedule for cleaning, wood care, and functionality checks is paramount.

DP Oceania understands the importance of a well-maintained infrared sauna. Should you have any questions concerning the care or features of their infrared sauna products, please do not hesitate to reach out. Their team of experts is dedicated to helping you obtain the most out of your wellness investment.